UK: Scotland launches public consultation on possible anti-SLAPP legal reforms (by 23 May 2025)
“Strategic lawsuits against public participation: consultation”, 28 February 2025
A consultation which invites consultees to offer views on their experience of strategic lawsuits against public participation and the potential for reform of the law in Scotland…
Strategic lawsuits against public participation – commonly referred to as SLAPPs – have been widely recognised as a growing threat to freedom of expression and particularly, but not only, to civil society actors such as journalists, academics, environmental defenders, and authors...
This consultation is the first step and will enable us to draw on experience and practice in other jurisdictions, including non-legislative solutions, so that we can form a view on the best way forward for Scotland…
As mentioned in the introduction to this consultation there has been activity and developments, some of it very recent, across a range of other jurisdictions in respect of SLAPPs…
At present, Scottish civil procedure rules do not include bespoke anti-SLAPP measures… Procedural devices which bear some resemblance to anti-SLAPP mechanisms include vexatious litigation orders, summary decrees, caution, and protective expenses orders…
Please respond to this consultation using the Scottish Government’s consultation hub, Citizen Space. Access and respond to this consultation here… Please ensure that consultation responses are submitted before the closing date of 23 May 2025…