Human rights defenders Georges Kapiamba and Prince Kumwamba have received several threats, including death threats, related to their human rights work since the evening of 3 April. Amnesty International believes that their lives, and the lives of other human rights defenders working in the same organizations, may be in danger. The threats to Georges Kapiamba, a lawyer who works with the organization Association Africaine de Défense des Droits de l’Homme – Katanga (ASADHO/Katanga)..., and Prince Kumwamba, Executive Director of the organization Action Contre l’Impunité pour les Droits Humains (ACIDH), Action Against Impunity for Human Rights...have been made anonymously... The threats appear to relate to a planned visit by Georges Kapiamba, Prince Kumwamba and other activists to the town of Kilwa in Katanga province, the scene of a massacre by government troops in October 2004... The visit was on behalf of an Australian legal firm pursuing possible compensation claims in the Australian courts against an Australian/Canadian mining company, Anvil Mining.