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25 Apr 2012

Alan Hayes, Uxbridge Gazette

Uxbridge man secures historic asbestos decision [UK]

An asbestosis sufferer who used to work in Uxbridge has won a historic case at the Court of Appeal. David Chandler, 71, worked between 1959 and 1961 for Uxbridge Flint Brick Company (UFBC)...He suffered heavy exposure to asbestos dust from the neighbouring Cape Building Products plant on the same site, and was diagnosed with asbestosis in 2007. In the judgment...the Court of Appeal upheld a decision by the High Court in April 2011 to find Cape PLC, as the parent company, responsible for the activities of its subsidiary. In her judgment Lady Justice Arden said: We understand that this is one of the first cases in which an employee has established at trial liability to him on the part of his employers parent company, and thus this appeal is of some importance not only to the parties but to other cases.