VAT Vakuumventile response
We can make the following statements:
- VAT conducts only compliant business and therefore is observing and following all international trade sanction in our trading. We have a long history of activity with e.g. the nuclear energy sector and thus are attuned to dual-use.
- Therefore, we can confirm that we have no direct business relationship with neither Integral (BY) or the United Trading Group (KZ) and overall, have no business activities with Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Russia or Ukraine for that matter at all
- We are aware of the fact, that there are well established ways to circumvent the sanctions by importing products into Belarus or other countries that are on a sanction list via other indirect trade routes, and monitor for potential infractions
- At VAT, we carefully observe who our trading partners are and into which countries we export and as such we have no reason to believe, that third party countries or companies divert VAT products back to sanctioned countries
- To position VAT correctly in the value chain of chip manufacturing, one needs to remember, that we are not selling our products directly to the chip manufacturing companies. VAT would be a supplier of products to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMS), who then builds the tools and sells the tools to their respective customers. In accordance with Swiss and other relevant export control regulations, and in cooperation with the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), we ask our customers to provide an End User Certificate (EUC) when necessary, before exporting our products, to prevent resale to sanctioned individuals or countries.
- The videos made us aware that certain VAT valves are used in the domestic Belarus chip manufacturing. Nevertheless, these manufacturing tools were acquired a) from tool manufacturers (OEMs) located outside of Belarus and b) certainly before any sanctions were implemented. Upon examining the manufacturing tools featured in the video, we can also infer that they are older models produced by the manufacturers long before any sanctions were in place.
- You did mention the presence of VAT valves in the video, that is linked in the article However, based on the footage, it is not possible to definitively confirm that this video clip is from a chip factory in Belarus. Can you provide confirmation regarding the video's source? In addition, we do recognize certain VAT products that have been deleted from our catalogue already in the late 1990s or the beginning of 2000
- We can only speculate about the possibility of the valves being sourced from the secondary market, as VAT products are commonly available on various market platforms.
In summary, VAT engages in only compliant business practices with trusted partners and diligently adheres to all international trade sanctions in our operations.