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1 Dec 2020

Yasunidos Cuenca; Cabildo por el Agua de Cuenca; Cabildo por el Agua de Cuenca

Yasunidos Cuenca Open Letter to INV Metals

...We are writing to you, after having reviewed the letter that INV Metals sent to the Cantonal Council of Cuenca on August 11, 2020, shortly before the Council's Environment Commission unanimously approved, with the votes of the mayor and 14 councillors, the Popular consultation project for the citizens of Cuenca to decide whether or not they agree with metal mining in the water recharge zones of 5 rivers in the canton.

In that letter, your company states: "We would like to work with Council members to ensure that accurate information is available so any fears or concerns the public may have regarding the project can be addressed and addressed." It also states that "INV Metals is a Canadian-based company that is committed to the execution of the highest professional and ethical standards within the global mining industry."...

The letter to the cantonal council assures that the Loma Larga project will not have any impact on the páramos water systems in the vicinity of the mine. However, INV Metals has a conflict of interest, as the company intends to develop mining for profit. For this reason, beyond the official analysis of the company, we want our communities and professionals to access the information, to prepare our own analysis. This is an essential step to debate the future of the Kimsakocha páramo, democratically and broadly, among all citizens...

Therefore, we respectfully request that you provide us with the “Environmental Impact Study and Environmental Management Plan of the Loma Larga Mining Project under the Large Mining Regime for the Exploitation and Benefit Phases”, in addition to the studies listed in the attached document, so that are independently reviewed by our professionals. We see this as a basic right that we should be afforded as members of the communities who will be affected by the impacts of this project, were it to go through...