Myanmar: Dawei Development Association calls for freeze on Dawei Special Economic Zone project until environmental & social protections are in place
“Civil society group calls for freeze on Dawei economic zone”, 13 October 2014
Stop work at the Dawei Special Economic Zone now – unless proper safeguards are put in place, local activist groups are urging. They issued a list of demands to coincide with the visit to Myanmar of the Thai prime minister…[T]he [Dawei] development became mired in environmental and social problems, including accusations of land grabs, inadequate and unfair resettlement and compensation, uncompensated loss of farmlands and forests, and damage to local communities’ social and economic wellbeing…Dawei Development Association (DDA) is…demanding the two governments resolve a range of problems before resuming work on the site, including ensuring international environmental and social protections, avoiding involuntary resettlement, improving disclosures and preventing corruption…