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Betty Yolanda, Director of Regional Programmes at the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, talks through our work in America, Africa, Middle East, Asia and Europe, and how we integrate our work for worldwide programmes with maximum impact.
The latest news on labour rights and our work supporting and advancing the labour rights of workers in global supply chains.
Energy, minerals, land and water sit at the heart of the transition to low-carbon economies, and at the start of every supply chain. However, the use of our planet's resources is all too often entwined with human rights abuse. At the other end of the value chain - renewable energy developers must also ensure they respect human rights to retain public support.
Find out why we must ensure that the transition is both fast and fair.
Technology offers powerful tools for society, but restrictions to digital freedom, and developments in artificial intelligence, automation and robotics, raise serious concerns about the impacts on human rights and the future of work.
Applying an intersectional approach is the most powerful way to tackle unfair treatment and transform the status quo. Gender justice must lie at the heart of business and human rights.
HRDs’ work is essential to the business and human rights movement because of their critical importance for ensuring corporate responsibility and accountability. Yet, attacks on them are growing. This hub brings together news on these advocates and communities - specifically on land, environmental and labour defenders, guidance for companies and investors, and supportive business actions. It also links to our database of attacks and interview series.
Corporate Legal Accountability (CLA) considers the legal responsibility of companies for human rights abuses, including through legislation and litigation. This hub provides latest news, analysis, resources, and cases on CLA to help advocates end corporate impunity for human rights abuses.