Palestine / Japan: Honda cancels event in Israeli settlement: includes company response to NGO
Subsequent to concerns raised by civil society organizations in Japan and internationally, Honda cancelled a racing event it was sponsoring that had been originally been scheduled to take place in Petzael, an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank. After concerns were raised, Honda moved the event to a location within the 1948 borders of Israel, and later on cancelled the event altogether. In a response to Palestine Forum Japan after the cancellation, Honda states merely that the event was being held by the Israeli Motorsports Federation, and that the company’s local partner, Mayers Cars and Trucks, abides by local legislation. Honda then refused to enter into discussions with the NGO.
All Israeli settlements in Palestine are illegal under international law, and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is currently creating a database of companies that, in violation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human RIghts, are profiting from Israeli settlement activity.