Peru: UN Working Group of Business and Human Rights urges the ratification of the Escazú Agreement
"Peru: UN experts urge ratification of landmark Escazú Agreement to promote responsible business conduct", 10th August 2020
UN experts on business and human rights today urged Peru to ratify the landmark "Escazú Agreement," saying it offers an historic opportunity to make companies more responsible for their impact on the environment and to protect human rights defenders…
The UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights recently commended Peru for its leadership in the six-year-long negotiations that led to the agreement in March 2018. Peru signed it in September 2018, and the agreement now is before Peru’s Congress for ratification. If Peru does ratify, only one more country will need to ratify for the agreement to come into force.
The Escazú Agreement represents a critical step towards effective implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other international standards on responsible business conduct, said the Working Group. “Equally, ratification of the treaty represents an opportunity for businesses to fulfil their important role in respecting the environment and human rights and consequently gain legitimacy and enhance their sustainability.”…
The Escazú Agreement also contains vital provisions for human rights defenders. “In a region where human rights defenders risk their lives as they defend people and the environment against negative impacts of business activity, this regional treaty is critical,” said Dante Pesce, vice-chair of the UN Working Group...