RCA parent firms to pay NT$560 mil.
The decade-long lawsuit against…parent firms of Radio Corporation of America…bore results…as the Taipei District Court…deemed the RCA brand and four related companies' usage of carcinogenic ingredients…had a direct correlation to many of the former employees' cancer diagnoses. General Electric…Technicolor (formally Thomson SA), Technicolor U.S.A and Thomson Consumer Electronics (Bermuda)…were ruled to be responsible in the lawsuit as well…
The Taoyuan County Former RCA Employees' Solicitude Association…acted as the plaintiff in the case and successfully secured NT$560 million in compensation for nearly 450 employees of the 529 former RCA workers…
While former employees…[of] the RCA factory in Taoyuan were eligible for payment, workers at RCA facilities in Yilan and Hsinchu were deemed ineligible…Other factors disqualifying workers from compensation included failure to take legal action during the designated time frame…decided by RCA's parent firms or failure to take legal action within two years of a cancer diagnosis.
…Despite the court's ruling, The Association's attorney…said that it is still possible The Association will not collect its compensation, as there are no funds being held in Taiwan under the RCA brand name…