Report on responsibility of law firms to respect human rights
"Law Firm Business and Human Rights Peer Learning Process: Emerging Practice, Insights and Reflections. Workshop Report", Nov 2016
...The Law Firm Peer Learning Process seeks to:
- Drive increased engagement by the legal profession with business and human rights developments, building on the IBA Practical Guide and Reference Annex, as well as the leadership of individual bar associations and law firms;
- Establish a community of practice amongst leading law firms and practitioners to support knowledge-sharing, peer learning and leadership/innovation;
- Demonstrate progress by the legal profession in implementing respect for human rights in practice, and create a platform for exploring ongoing challenges and areas where further progress and/or guidance is needed; and
- Support the broader legal profession (and their clients) to access and build on emerging practices, insights and lessons learned from leading firms working to implement their responsibility to respect human rights...
...Discussion during the workshop focused on the implementation of the law firms’ own responsibility to respect human rights...This report is based in part on the ideas and comments shared at the Peer Learning Workshop, and presents insights and reflections from those discussions, as well as examples of emerging practices. The report is intended to promote discussion, and share learning and experience...