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16 Jul 2020


Armenia: Agarak Copper and Molybdenum combine discharges wastewater directly into local river, claim local residents

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Alarm Signal: Wastewater from Agarak Copper and Molybdenum Combine Flowing to Kartchevan River, 16 July 2020

Agarak Copper-Molybdenum Combine CJSC waste water is again flowing into the Kartchevan River, as one of the local residents posted photos and a video about this...

"Rehabilitation works are underway in the ore dressing plant. It flows from the aqueduct leading to the tailing dump. Instead of sending the wastewater to a tailing dump, it is discharged along the Kartchevan River to Araks. In the morning, we beat an alarm signal to the administration of the plant," the resident told EcoLur, noting that he had applied to the company's administration to resolve the issue.

Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection informed EcoLur that the specialists of Syunik Territorial Division of Inspection Body visited the scene today to conduct a site inspection...