[DOC] Submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights: Rio Tinto and the impact of the Mandé Norte/Murindó mining exploration project on indigenous Embera and Afrocolombian communities in the provinces of Choco and Antioquia, Colombia
Rio Tinto is currently associated with a highly controversial mining exploration project in Colombia: La Muriel Mining Corporation’s Mandé Norte/Murindó project …On the strength of the testimony of the Comision Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz, the Colombia Solidarity Campaign believes that the Mandé Norte/Murindó project is having a serious, negative impact on human rights. The Mandé Norte/Murindó project is being pursued on collectively-owned Indigenous and Afrocolombian land against the express wishes of the communities involved. It is alleged that it has been accompanied by intimidation, deceit, manipulation and falsification of community consultation procedures, militarisation, terrorisation and forced displacement of families.