IGWG on TNCs and other businesses: Day 4, Panel VIII, Afternoon: More questions than answers
[T]he Open-ended intergovernmental working group...introduced the eighth and last panel dealing with building national and international mechanisms for access to remedy, including international judicial cooperation, with respect to human rights violations by TNCs and other business enterprises. –The OHCHR accountability and remedy project- Whereby a broad consensus could be observed in regard to the need of focussing on an effective mechanism for access to remedy, however, the way the latter should be implemented still remains unclear...Striking in the afternoon session was that states raised more questions than making actual statements on the matter. There is still a broad uncertainty on how the responsibility of TNCs could effectively be tackled and implemented. In this regard, Ghana suggested to more heavily rely on the civil society and the mechanism of naming and shaming. However, a broad consensus could be observed by a vast majority of countries in regard to ameliorating the access to remedies for victims of human rights abuses...