Indonesia: Mass layoffs in 2024 due to plummeting orders as import restrictions ease & domestic markets flood with imported clothes

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"Indonesia’s textile sector sees job cuts soar", June 24, 2024
...Tens of thousands of textile and textile product (TPT) workers in Indonesia have been laid off in the first half of this year, President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPN) Ristadi said on June 23, describing the sector’s situation as an emergency.
According to KSPN, since the beginning of 2024, 13,800 workers in Indonesia's textile industry have been laid off due to plummeting orders...
...The actual number of laid off worker is almost 50,000 workers. However, many companies do not want their names to be exposed to maintain trust from banks and buyers...
...He said that the wave of closures is primarily triggered by Trade Minister Regulation (Permendag) No. 8 of 2024, which relaxes import restrictions on ready-made garments, flooding the domestic market with imported clothes.