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Respuesta de la empresa

10 May 2024

Micro Crystal

Micro Crystal response

Micro Crystal produces a variety of electronic components, including real-time clock modules, oscillators, quartz crystals, and temperature sensor modules. These products are standard components for electronic products and they can be found in a vast variety of electronic devices...Micro Crystal products are standard components, which are marketed in large quantities through a variety of distribution channels, including independent external wholesale distributors.

Micro Crystal is upholding high principles and abstaining from supplying components for arms, weapons systems or armaments. Micro Crystal's General Terms and Conditions of sale prohibit any use of our products for military purposes and oblige customers to enforce this prohibition equally on third parties'. "Any use of Products for the manufacture of arms is prohibited. Customer shall impose that same obligation upon all third-party purchasers".

Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine started, the measures have been continuously intensified. ln accordance with the Swiss sanctions in connection with the situation in Ukraine and in extension of corresponding international sanctions, Micro Crystal has contractually prohibited the exportation of common high priority items specifically to Russia and the resale for use in Russia...

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