Myanmar: Garment workers report 'insufferable discrimination' at factory
Fecha comunicada: 2 Jul 2023
Ubicación: Birmania
Myanmar Tiannan Garment - Supplier , New Yorker - Buyer , Coolworks - BuyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 600
Trabajadores: ( 600 - Ubicación desconocida , Ropa y Textiles , Gender not reported )Temas
Robo de salarios , Denegación de salida , Objetivos de producción excesivos , Acoso (no sexual) , Discriminación por género , Denegación de contratos fijos , Trabajo extra obligatorio , Salud y seguridad en el trabajoRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por BHRRC
Historia que contiene respuesta: (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Myanmar Tiannan Garment allegedly supplies to New Yorker and Coolworks; Neither brands provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
Tipo de fuente: News outlet
"Labor rights are being violated at MYANMAR TIANNAN GARMENT CO.LTD", 2 July 2023
MYANMAR TIANNAN GARMENT CO.LTD... is operating with more than 600 workers and the workers say that they are not getting labor rights and are being violated in the workplace.
It is reported that it is owned by Chinese nationals and manufactures brands such as COOLWORK, IQ.
MYANMAR TIANNAN GARMENT CO.LTD factory is sewing sportswear and has been operating since June 2022 and there is no trade union in the workplace.
In the current workplace, if workers take...leave... [their wages] will be deducted...
...(50) quantity of garments requested per worker per hour...[workers are forced] to quit if they can't provide the records requested...
If [workers] cannot provide the quantity of clothes requested by the factory, [workers face] swearing and sacking...Insufferable discrimination is a daily occurrence in the workplace, the worker said.
There are about (60) day laborers hired without EC contract in the workplace and they are forced to work from morning (7:30) to evening (4:30) at (500) kyats per hour... they have been working for 4 to 6 months, but they are working without getting a minimum wage of 4,800 kyats without confirmation...
The worker said that if there is an injury while working in the workplace, the workers are buying [provisions with their own] money and using it.
[Translation via Google Translate]