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11 Sep 2024

UNSG-led panel calls for human rights and economic prosperity to be at the center of transition mineral value chains; incl. comments from CSOs

Launched in April 2024, the UNSG-led Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals was convened to respond to calls from developing countries for guidance to ensure responsible, fair and just critical mineral value chains. The panel comprises 39 members, from government, industry, inter-governmental organisations, unions and civil society; and was tasked with developing a set of global common and voluntary principles to guide countries, extractive industries, the UN and other stakeholders up and down the critical energy transition minerals value chains.

The Principles to Guide Critical Energy Transition Minerals was released on 11 September 2024 and several civil society organisations, who have followed the drafting and development process closely, have issued responses.

BHRRC Press Release

Read BHRRC reaction on the UN Secretary-General's panel report on Critical Energy Transition Minerals, welcoming the UNSG Panel's Principles, emphasizing the importance of respecting human rights in the context of transition minerals mining and calling for more robust action from governments and the private sector.

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