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Melia Hotels International (formerly Sol Meliá)

  • Hoteles
  • España

  • Melia Hotels International is a publicly listed company headquartered in Spain with hotels in over 40 countries across Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe and North America. The company manages over 380 hotels under seven brands.

Del Centro de Información ? Esta sección es una instantánea no exhaustiva del comportamiento de la empresa según el registro del Centro de Información. Buscamos respuestas a acusaciones de abusos, demandas de perfil, y registro ataques contra defensores que trabajan en cuestiones comerciales.


Solicitudes de respuesta


Ataques a personas defensoras de los derechos humanos


Perfiles de demanda




Human Rights Policy ? Company policy describing its approach and commitment to human rights

Supplier Code of Conduct ? Company policy describing its engagement with suppliers or business partners on human and labour rights standards.

Member of Sustainable Hospitality Alliance ? The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance is a multi-stakeholder initiative focused on improving human rights, youth employment and water stewardship, and taking climate action in the hotel industry.

The Code ? The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism is a multi-stakeholder initiative. Companies can become members of the Code, committing to six action criteria to keep children safe in the industry.

Principales países asociados

Melia Hotels International (formerly Sol Meliá) has been referenced in news articles and reports on our website.

Menciones de la empresa (artículos, informes, noticias, etc.)

Sede de la empresa

Menciones de la empresa (artículos, informes, noticias, etc.) en regiones en conflicto

Sede de la empresa en regiones en conflicto

Puntos de datos adicionales

Global Framework Agreement