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22 Jul 2024

Digital Communications Manager - Verité

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Verité is seeking a Digital Communications Manager (DCM) to work closely with the Director of Communications on shaping and executing digital communications strategies that increase visibility of Verité’s resources, tools and research, and position the organization as a thought leader among labor rights and global supply chain actors. The DCM will work with staff in diverse program areas and geographies to find creative ways to increase exposure of Verité’s work and impact, ensuring that brand identity and voice are consistent throughout the organization’s communications initiatives.

Our ideal candidate is a creative individual with strong writing skills and a robust understanding of - and interest in - digital platforms for managing social media, blogs, newsletters, and webinars. The DCM will collaborate with a passionate, multidisciplinary, and geographically diverse staff on designing and implementing strategic communications activities


Remote, EST timezone preferred
$55,000 - $68,000

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