Carlo Pallavicini - Si Cobas
On July 19, 2022, six grassroots union activists were put under house arrest in Piacenza, Italy. They are accused of criminal conspiracy disguised as labour union activity. The arrested union leaders organised warehouse workers, and especially migrant workers, to improve working conditions and salaries at both local firms and multinational corporations in the logistics industry, like FedEx, TNT, GLS, and LIdl. The union leaders are national Si Cobas director Aldo Milani, local Si Cobas leaders Mohamed Arafat, Carlo Pallavicini and Bruno Scagnelli, and Usb leaders Abed Issa Mohamed and Roberto Montanari. The Tribunal of Bologna later suspended the house arrest.
Mohamed Arafat and Carlo Pallavicini faced similar charges in 2021. Aldo Milani was also arrested in 2017.