Biosev Response
…In light of the allegations claiming that Biosev sources sugarcane planted on indigenous lands in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, we take this opportunity to announce…that the company repudiates any violation of indigenous rights and lands and does not carry out any operations on indigenous lands. Biosev recognizes the social organization and land rights of indigenous communities in accordance with governing law and undertakes to respect the borders of such land, to not acquire or take possession of such land and to not buy sugarcane harvested by third parties on such lands…Biosev seeks to monitor the planting and harvesting operations of its sugarcane suppliers through on-site visits and guidance to owners of supplier farms, whose boundaries are identified using a georeferencing system. In February 2015, the company formalized a Policy on Indigenous Lands...[and made]...public this commitment. To view...the policy…: Biosev...observes all Brazilian laws with regard to indigenous peoples and their rights to land, as defined by Brazil's federal government…