Briefing: Modern slavery reporting: Weak and notable practice
This particular briefing draws on CORE’s and BHRRC’s analysis of 83 slavery and human trafficking statements in February 2016, BHRRC’s October 2016 review of FTSE 100 company reports; and Ergon Associates’ research on company statements up to May 2016... At the time of publication, 2108 modern slavery statements have been uploaded onto BHRRC’s Modern Slavery Act Registry. Only around 14% of these statements comply with the legal requirements and most provide little information on the six areas that the Act suggests companies may wish to report on... CORE has randomly selected examples of companies’ modern slavery statements to provide an overview of the type of information that businesses should include in their statementswith reference to the six reporting areas listed in the Act. The aim of this guide is to highlight areas for improvement in an effort to drive up standards of report- ing and to increase accountability across the board.