Broad support for Canadian mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence legislation
As civil society organizations, trade unions, investors and/or subject-matter experts from around the world committed to upholding human rights (including Indigenous Peoples’ rights), environmental protection, climate-change action, and fostering equitable and sustainable economic development, we call on the Government of Canada to adopt legislation requiring Canadian companies[1] to undertake human rights and environmental due diligence throughout their global operations and supply chains.
... The CNCA’s proposed new law will:
- establish a corporate duty to prevent human rights abuses and environmental damage;
- create a corporate obligation to undertake comprehensive human rights due diligence; and
- establish a right of action in Canadian courts (civil lawsuit) if Canadian companies, their subsidiaries, suppliers or subcontractors cause human rights abuse or environmental damage abroad. It would also establish a right of action if companies don’t develop, implement or report on adequate human rights and environmental due diligence procedures.