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13 Sep 2023

Steven Greenhouse, The Guardian

Calls for Starbucks boycott grow amid aggressive union-busting activities

Barista at Starbucks

Calls for a consumer boycott of Starbucks are growing amid mounting criticism of the coffee chain’s aggressive union-busting activities.

A boycott, supporters say, would aim to use consumer power to pressure Starbucks to stop its union-busting and illegal actions and to finally negotiate its first union contract.


The union has scheduled a nationwide Day of Action on 14 September to urge “customers and allies to join the fight” to get Starbucks to “respect workers’ fundamental right to organize and bargain a fair contract”.

“Starbucks is doing everything in its power to ignore its unionized workers, but it has to listen to its customers,” said Daisy Pitkin, field director of the unionization drive. “We’re calling on customers to join the fight and stand with Starbucks workers on September 14.” Pitkin said thousands of customers and allies would “join us at stores all across the country”.


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