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17 Sep 2024

Sovann Sreypich, CamboJA

Cambodia: Naga World union leader released from prison after serving her two-year imprisonment term; she remains committed to promoting labour rights

"NagaWorld Union Leader Chhim Sithar Released After Two Years In Prison", 17 September 2024

The president of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld (LRSU), Chhim Sithar, was released from prison … after serving two years.

LRSU union members have been on strike … against NagaWorld casino’s decision to implement mass layoffs in the middle of a pandemic. The firings included LRSU’s senior leadership and a large number of its members.

Ever since the strike started …, workers have been allegedly subjected to physical, verbal and sexual assault by local authorities and security personnel.

Sithar and eight union members, Chhim Sokhon, Hay Sopheap, Khleang Soben, Ry Sovandy, Sok Kongkea, Sok Narith, Sun Srey Pich and Touch Serey Meas were violently arrested ... Sithar was re-arrested … the same year and detained for allegedly violating the terms of her bail…

A prison truck took Sithar to her house about 4:30 a.m. Although she asked prison officials to leave the prison at 7 a.m., they refused, instructing her to pack her stuff and leave by 4:30 a.m., Sithar told …

She considered the timing of her release was done with the intention of disallowing union members to welcome her in front of the prison.

“I was shocked because I hadn’t woken up yet,” said Sithar…

Am Sam Ath, operations director of LICADHO, believes that the choice for the release of prisoners was “not a new thing” for prison officials because it has happened before…

Sam Ath said even though Sithar was released, injustice existed as unions and employees, and former employees organized the strike legally with proper notification and procedures according to labor law. But they have been charged, arrested and prosecuted for “inciting and causing serious social unrest” by striking,

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