Canada: Class action suit alleges labour supplier Trésor denied migrants working for catering co. Newrest permits & used their irregular status to exploit them
Fecha comunicada: 3 Oct 2023
Ubicación: Canadá
Trésor - Labour Supplier , Newrest - Other Value Chain EntityAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 400
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( 400 - Ubicación desconocida , Catering y servicios de comida , Gender not reported , Undocumented migrants )Temas
Sustitución de contrato , Intimidación y Amenazas , Movilidad restringida , Salario mínimo , Salud mental , Robo de salarios , Acceso a medicinas , Salud y seguridad en el trabajo , Seguridad socialRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalists
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Guillermo Montiel, the president of Trésor, said he hasn't seen the court filing but is "stunned" by the allegations. “We’re an agency that has operated completely legally since 2013. We have never offered a job to someone who doesn’t have permits," said Montiel, who is named in the suit. Newrest did not respond to a request for comment.
Tipo de fuente: News outlet
“Class-action claims foreign workers exploited by Quebec recruiter, airline caterer”
…The Immigrant Workers Centre in Montreal is seeking authorization to launch the suit against …placement firm Trésor and inflight catering company Newrest, along with several affiliated companies.
The workers centre is acting on behalf of more than 400 people since 2021 who it says were falsely promised they would be given work permits and legitimate jobs in Canada by Trésor — but were instead encouraged to work illegally.
"The defendants treated the members of the class like objects…”, says the request for authorization filed by lawyers with Montreal law firm Trudel Johnston & Lespérance.
"In particular, the express or implicit threats of deportation and criminalization wielded by the defendants terrorized the members of the class. Their irregular status — a situation orchestrated by the defendants despite the efforts of members to obtain legal permits — remains a profound source of stress and anxiety," the application says…
Most of the workers recruited by Trésor were placed at Newrest production facilities, where they prepared meals for flights leaving from the Montreal-Trudeau International Airport. The proposed suit alleges that Newrest was fully aware the workers did not have permits and that the vast majority would never get them…