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24 Jun 2022


Chile: Codelco workers' paralisation over closure of smelter due to massive intoxications comes to an end

"Chilean miners lift strike after agreement with Codelco", 24 June 2022

...Chilean copper mine workers have agreed to lift their strike after reaching an agreement with the state-owned Chilean National Copper Corporation (Codelco)...

The measure had been adopted by the Federation of Copper Workers (FTC) Wednesday following the closure of the Ventanas Smelter. But after a long meeting Thursday in Santiago with Codelco's board of directors, the union leaders signed an agreement...

The document describes a “fair transition for the workers” and a “commitment to give continuity to the Ventanas Division, strengthening its refinery”...

The closure of the smelter was decided Friday by Codelco's board of directors following criticism of the successive pollution episodes that led to the suspension of classes as a result of the poisoning of children through sulfur sulfide particles in the air...

The closure was perceived as a threat to the livelihood of 350 workers and their families, who have been relocated to other divisions of Codelco, under the same labor conditions. Hence the work stoppage with the blocking of entrances and incendiary barricades.

FTC and Codelco have now agreed to promote a joint work table to seek solutions to the demands of the Ventanas miners and to solve the environmental issue...