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12 Ago 2020

Labour Action China

China: Workers are quarantined with unsatisfactory labour rights conditions and Hubei workers are treated unfavourably, survey reveals

"Research report phase 2.0 of work resumption situation in China: Private firms may become the most important section in employment maintenance", 16 July 2020

... As the pandemic severity has decreased and production has gradually resumed, a labour organization in Guangdong launched the second phase of online survey research on work resumption situation during April 17 to 27, 2020…

... 87% of respondents needed to wear protective gears and 75% of them received free protective items from their employers...

 ... more than 60% of the interviewees worried about infecting COVID-19 from working...

 ... Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Finance and National Health Commission co-issued an announcement to clarify under what conditions, the employees with COVID-19 infection would be classified as occupational injuries victims: employees involving COVID-19 prevention and treatment related work who infected COVID-19 or died due to COVID-19 infection during job duties performing.

However, more than 86% of the participants claimed that infecting COVID-19 when performing job duties should be regarded as work-related injuries…

... more than 8% of the interviewees was quarantined, with unsatisfactory labour right conditions.

41% of the quarantined interviewees need to pay the quarantine fee by themselves; Nearly 30% of the quarantined interviewees received no salary payment during the quarantine period...

... labour right conditions during quarantine period varied in a wide range among private firms...

According to the answers, 100 respondents had colleagues came back to work from Hubei province. 74% of the 100 participants reported that Hubei staff in their company was required to be quarantined. 11% of the interviewees shared that their enterprises had asked employees from Hubei province to work separately from other staff, 6% shared that their enterprises had lowered the salary level of Hubei employees and 2% shared that their enterprises had terminated the employment relations with Hubei employees. Moreover, 6% of our respondents shared that their enterprises had banned Hubei colleagues to go back to work. Only 10% reported about normal salary payment for their Hubei colleagues... 

... around 63% of the interviewees reported that there were not violations of labour rights without going through democratic mediation in their enterprises. In other words, about 37% of the participants suffered from this problem...