Coalition of Indigenous Peoples, environmental & human rights organisations urges Nornickel to publish results of its self-assessment against IRMA & identify corrective actions
"Statement on Nornickel's IRMA self-assessment", 13 May 2023
Russian mining company Norilsk Nickel (Nornickel) announced in March 2023 that the company had completed a self-assessment against the IRMA (Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance) Standard. The self-assessment is an initial, necessary step to begin the assessment process under the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance. IRMA has stated that it will not start any audit process in Russia until further notice due to Russia’s attacks on Ukraine.
However, Nornickel’s press release gives the mistaken impression that Nornickel’s compliance with the IRMA Transparency level is to be celebrated. However, IRMA Transparency is the lowest of IRMA’s four achievement levels. The IRMA Transparency achievement only requires that auditors assess performance and results are publicly shared. It does not require any compliance with the industry-leading social and environmental standards identified by IRMA.
Based on Nornickel’s public statements, it is not possible to identify which social and environmental standards the company does not meet. We can only say that Nornickel does not meet 50% of IRMA’s standards or critical requirements identified by IRMA. We request that Nornickel immediately publish the full and unedited self-assessment, which would be required to meet the IRMA Transparency standard, the review of the self-assessment by ENSOR Management Consultants, and Nornickel’s roadmap of corrective actions.
In view of Nornickel’s historic misconduct and disregard for international standards in dealing with Indigenous Peoples, as well as the fatal environmental disasters for which Nornickel is responsible, we welcome any initiative by Nornickel to respect international environmental and social standards. This must become a matter of course, the proof of which must not depend solely on voluntary initiatives such as IRMA.
In particular, we are concerned that Nornickel does not respect the right of Indigenous Peoples to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC). IRMA’s standard on Free, Prior, and Informed Consent and associated guidance provides specific approaches and benchmarks that must be followed to demonstrate compliance with FPIC. IRMA has also published a specific fact sheet about FPIC, which is recognized by IRMA as a Critical Requirement...
When asked for context on the company’s claims, IRMA Executive Director, Aimee Boulanger, stated that companies may use IRMA’s self assessment tool to gain insight on ways to improve practices, and even may use that tool confidentially, but may not make claims of performance achievement until an IRMA approved independent audit is done. She went on to say “because Nornickel is publicly communicating about its self assessment results, I encourage the company to share its self assessment publicly as a way to engage with all Indigenous representatives about what they mean, when they say they ‘aspire to follow best practices in sustainability’, and to meet IRMA’s intention for transparency.”
[Business & Human Rights Resource Centre previously invited Nornickel to respond to allegations over its impacts on indigenous peoples, more information is available here.]