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22 Nov 2018

David McKay, MiningMx

DMR studying historic High Court ruling in favour of Xolobeni community

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SOUTH Africa’s Department of Minerals Resources (DMR) was “studying” a landmark judgement by the High Court (Pretoria) today which ruled the DMR must obtain “full and formal” consent from the Xolobeni community before granting mining rights.  “The DME has noted the judgment by Judge Basson handed down in the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria in the matter: Duduzile Baleni & Others v DMR and others,” the DMR said in a statement.  “The department is studying the judgment, and will pronounce itself on the matter in due course,” it added.

The court case relates to an application by Australian firm, Transworld Energy and Mineral Resources for mining rights to the Xolobeni’s land in the Eastern Cape province which has resources of mineral sands...

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