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Ataque a defensor de derechos humanos

31 May 2015

Elena Urlaeva

Fecha del incidente
31 May 2015
Grupo de derechos humanos
Detención arbitraria
Objetivo: Individual
Lugar del incidente: Uzbekistán
Indorama Singapur Ropa y Textiles


Elena Urlaeva is the Head of the Human Rights Defenders Alliance of Uzbekistan. The evidence gathered by her and her colleagues revealed a widespread and systematic state policy of forcing citizens to weed cotton fields in several regions of Uzbekistan. On 31 May 2015, human rights defender Ms Elena Urlaeva was detained by police for approximately 11 hours and subjected to violence after interviewing and photographing teachers and medical staff forced by Uzbek district authorities to work in cotton fields. The Uzbek human rights defender, along with two others, filed a complaint on June 30, 2016, against the World Bank’s private lending arm. The complaint against the International Finance Corporation (IFC) was filed with the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman, an independent accountability unit attached to the IFC. It sought an investigation into forced labor connected to a $40 million loan to Indorama Kokand Textile, which operates in Uzbekistan.