Following the Thread – Labor Abuses in Taiwan’s Textile Industry
Fecha comunicada: 11 Feb 2025
Ubicación: Taiwán
De Licacy - Employer , Cotopaxi - Reported buyer , adidas - Reported buyer , Amer - Reported buyer , Columbia Sportswear - Reported buyer , Fenix Group - Reported buyer , Jack Wolfskin - Reported buyer , Lacoste (part of MF Brands) - Reported buyer , New Balance - Reported buyer , Ortovox - Reported buyer , Patagonia - Reported buyer , Puma - Reported buyer , PVH (Phillips-Van Heusen) - Reported buyer , Ralph Lauren - Reported buyer , REI - Reported buyer , Sitka - Reported buyer , Target - Reported buyer , Under Armour - Reported buyer , Burton (part of Boohoo) - Reported buyer , Canadian Tire - Reported buyer , Fanatics - Reported buyer , Gap - Reported buyer , Hanes (part of Hanesbrands) - Reported buyer , Helly Hansen - Reported buyer , Levi Strauss - Reported buyer , G-III Apparel Group - Reported buyer , The Haddad Apparel Group Ltd. - Reported buyer , Nike - Reported buyer , Rapha Racing - Reported buyer , VF Corporation - Reported buyer , Yeti - Reported buyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 227
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - Ubicación desconocida , Manufactura: General , Gender not reported )Temas
Tasas de contratación , Trabajo forzado y formas contemporáneas de esclavitud , Trata de personas , Horarios de trabajo y tiempo libre razonables , Discriminación/diversidad: General , Libertad de asociación , Acceso a recursos no judiciales , Servidumbre por deudas , Movilidad restringidaRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalist
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Asked in November 2024 to respond to Transparentem’s findings, one supplier did not reply, another declined to comment, and the remaining suppliers said they were working toward improvements at their facilities. Some suppliers later sent further feedback, including disputing some of Transparentem’s investigation findings. By January 2025, Di Licacy was "furthest along" in its reported corrective action plan, reporting completion of all actions listed in its CAP. The company told Transparentem: "Please kindly be informed that we’re working on remediation of Labor Allegations related issues with AAFA and brands". Cutopaxi was recorded as a leader of a supplier working group created to fix the issues raised in the report. As a result of Transparentem’s investigation, more than 50 apparel brands signed a letter in September 2024 urging the government of Taiwan to implement specific regulatory and legal reforms to increase protections for migrant workers. In December 2024, many buyers participated in follow-up advocacy meetings and workshops in Taiwan organized by the AAFA and FLA.
Tipo de fuente: NGO
Fecha comunicada: 11 Feb 2025
Ubicación: Taiwán
adidas - Reported buyer , Lacoste (part of MF Brands) - Reported buyer , Patagonia - Reported buyer , Sitka - Reported buyer , - Reported buyer , Amer - Reported buyer , Columbia Sportswear - Reported buyer , Fanatics - Reported buyer , Fenix Group - Reported buyer , Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) - Reported buyer , Helly Hansen - Reported buyer , Jack Wolfskin - Reported buyer , KMD Brands (formerly Kathmandu Holdings) - Reported buyer , Ortovox - Reported buyer , PVH (Phillips-Van Heusen) - Reported buyer , Target - Reported buyer , Burton (part of Boohoo) - Reported buyer , Li Peng (part of Libolon Group) - Employer , Pentland Group - Reported buyer , LL Bean - Reported buyer , Lululemon Athletica - Reported buyer , Puma - Reported buyer , REI - Reported buyer , VF Corporation - Reported buyer , Apple - Reported buyer , Canadian Tire - Reported buyer , Gap - Reported buyer , Hanes (part of Hanesbrands) - Reported buyer , Levi Strauss - Reported buyer , Niagara Bottling LLC - Reported buyer , Nike - Reported buyer , Ralph Lauren - Reported buyer , Rapha Racing - Reported buyer , Under Armour - Reported buyer , Yeti - Reported buyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 535
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - Ubicación desconocida , Manufactura: General , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )Temas
Intimidación y Amenazas , Condiciones de vida precarias/inadecuadas , Tasas de contratación , Movilidad restringida , Denegación de salida , Discriminación/diversidad: General , Acceso a recursos no judiciales , Libertad de asociación , Servidumbre por deudas , Horarios de trabajo y tiempo libre razonables , Acceso a la información , DespidoRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalist
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Asked in November 2024 to respond to Transparentem’s findings, one supplier did not reply, another declined to comment, and the remaining suppliers said they were working toward improvements at their facilities. Some suppliers later sent further feedback, including disputing some of Transparentem’s investigation findings. By January 2025, Li Peng was regarded as the "fathest behind" regarding its corrective action plans in comparison to other suppliers, "with only some actions partially completed at one of four covered facilities.". It had not agreed to the specifics of a fee reimbursement plan, but had committed to repayment calculations. The company told Transparentem: "We are currently working diligently to achieve the best Corrective Action Plan (CAP). We appreciate your patience as we work towards delivering the results for these brands." It later characterised the findings as "unrealistic allegations". Adidas and Lacoste were recorded as leaders of a supplier working group created to fix the issues raised in the report. As a result of Transparentem’s investigation, more than 50 apparel brands signed a letter in September 2024 urging the government of Taiwan to implement specific regulatory and legal reforms to increase protections for migrant workers. In December 2024, many buyers participated in follow-up advocacy meetings and workshops in Taiwan organized by the AAFA and FLA.
Tipo de fuente: NGO
Fecha comunicada: 11 Feb 2025
Ubicación: Taiwán
Lovetex - Employer , YKK - Reported buyer , VF Corporation - Reported buyer , Levi Strauss - Reported buyer , Rapha Racing - Reported buyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 63
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - Ubicación desconocida , Manufactura: General , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )Temas
Movilidad restringida , Retención de pasaportes , Horarios de trabajo y tiempo libre razonables , Tasas de contratación , Intimidación y Amenazas , Servidumbre por deudas , Acceso a la información , Despido , Libertad de asociación , Acceso a recursos no judiciales , Condiciones de vida precarias/inadecuadasRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalist
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Asked in November 2024 to respond to Transparentem’s findings, one supplier did not reply, another declined to comment, and the remaining suppliers said they were working toward improvements at their facilities. Some suppliers later sent further feedback, including disputing some of Transparentem’s investigation findings. According to YKK, Lovetex for many months declined support from Verité in remediation planning, but finally in January 2025, YKK said that Lovetex had decided to accept Verité’s remediation services. By January, the report says LoveTex was "furthest along" regarding its corrective action plans. Lovetex had, according to YKK, completed nearly all actions listed in its CAP, which was prepared by YKK. YKK, the only manufacturer that Transparentem engaged as a buyer, worked largely alone on remediation at Lovetex and bore the full cost of the Verité audit. Lovetex’s CAP was the only one among the suppliers’ that, as Transparentem had requested, addressed not only problems found by auditors but also those found by Transparentem’s investigation. The company responded to Transparentem: its response can be read in the report. YKK was recorded as a leader of a supplier working group created to fix the issues raised in the report. As a result of Transparentem’s investigation, more than 50 apparel brands signed a letter in September 2024 urging the government of Taiwan to implement specific regulatory and legal reforms to increase protections for migrant workers. In December 2024, many buyers participated in follow-up advocacy meetings and workshops in Taiwan organized by the AAFA and FLA.
Tipo de fuente: NGO
Fecha comunicada: 11 Feb 2025
Ubicación: Taiwán
LL Bean - Reported buyer , Everest - Employer , Far Eastern Group - Parent Company , Lululemon Athletica - Reported buyer , Nike - Reported buyer , Amer - Reported buyer , Burton (part of Boohoo) - Reported buyer , Canadian Tire - Reported buyer , Columbia Sportswear - Reported buyer , Cotopaxi - Reported buyer , Fanatics - Reported buyer , Fenix Group - Reported buyer , Gap - Reported buyer , Jack Wolfskin - Reported buyer , KMD Brands (formerly Kathmandu Holdings) - Reported buyer , New Balance - Reported buyer , Next - Reported buyer , Ortovox - Reported buyer , Patagonia - Reported buyer , Puma - Reported buyer , PVH (Phillips-Van Heusen) - Reported buyer , Ralph Lauren - Reported buyer , REI - Reported buyer , Sitka - Reported buyer , Under Armour - Reported buyer , VF Corporation - Reported buyer , Wayre Inc - Reported buyer , adidas - Reported buyer , Yeti - Reported buyer , Hanes (part of Hanesbrands) - Reported buyer , Helly Hansen - Reported buyer , Lacoste (part of MF Brands) - Reported buyer , Levi Strauss - Reported buyer , Rapha Racing - Reported buyer , Brooks Bros (UK) Ltd - Reported buyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 468
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - Tailandia , Manufactura: General , Gender not reported )Temas
Movilidad restringida , Intimidación y Amenazas , Condiciones de vida precarias/inadecuadas , Tasas de contratación , Horarios de trabajo y tiempo libre razonables , Denegación de salida , Libertad de asociación , Retención de pasaportes , Servidumbre por deudas , Trabajo forzado y formas contemporáneas de esclavitud , Trata de personas , Horarios de trabajo y tiempo libre razonables , Discriminación/diversidad: General , Acceso a recursos no judicialesRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalist
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Asked in November 2024 to respond to Transparentem’s findings, one supplier did not reply, another declined to comment, and the remaining suppliers said they were working toward improvements at their facilities. Some suppliers later sent further feedback, including disputing some of Transparentem’s investigation findings. Everest reported "some progress in various areas" by January 2025. Everest reimbursed workers who, according to audits, had paid fees to transfer from other factories and it reimbursed Thai workers for deposits paid to labor agents. But Everest had not agreed to a comprehensive fee reimbursement plan. The company told Transparentem: "we're working with AAFA/FLA nominated brands for DIWA audit reports". Far Eastern also replied to the NGO's request for comment (read in full in report). Lululemon and Nike were recorded as leaders of a supplier working group created to fix the issues raised in the report. As a result of Transparentem’s investigation, more than 50 apparel brands signed a letter in September 2024 urging the government of Taiwan to implement specific regulatory and legal reforms to increase protections for migrant workers. In December 2024, many buyers participated in follow-up advocacy meetings and workshops in Taiwan organized by the AAFA and FLA.
Tipo de fuente: NGO
Fecha comunicada: 11 Feb 2025
Ubicación: Taiwán
Far Eastern Group - Parent Company , adidas - Reported buyer , Nike - Reported buyer , Puma - Reported buyer , Amer - Reported buyer , Canadian Tire - Reported buyer , Coca-Cola - Reported buyer , Columbia Sportswear - Reported buyer , Fanatics - Reported buyer , Helly Hansen - Reported buyer , Jack Wolfskin - Reported buyer , Niagara Bottling LLC - Reported buyer , Rapha Racing - Reported buyer , Under Armour - Reported buyer , Far Eastern New Century (part of Far Eastern Group) - Employer , Fenix Group - Reported buyer , KMD Brands (formerly Kathmandu Holdings) - Reported buyer , Lacoste (part of MF Brands) - Reported buyer , New Balance - Reported buyer , Patagonia - Reported buyer , Pentland Group - Reported buyer , PVH (Phillips-Van Heusen) - Reported buyer , Ralph Lauren - Reported buyer , REI - Reported buyer , Target - Reported buyer , VF Corporation - Reported buyer , YKK - Reported buyer , Gap - Reported buyer , Levi Strauss - Reported buyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 602
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - Vietnam , Manufactura: General , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )Temas
Tasas de contratación , Movilidad restringida , Intimidación y Amenazas , Condiciones de vida precarias/inadecuadas , Horarios de trabajo y tiempo libre razonables , Acceso a recursos no judiciales , Servidumbre por deudas , Libertad de asociación , Discriminación/diversidad: General , DespidoRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalist
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Asked in November 2024 to respond to Transparentem’s findings, one supplier did not reply, another declined to comment, and the remaining suppliers said they were working toward improvements at their facilities. Some suppliers later sent further feedback, including disputing some of Transparentem’s investigation findings. By January 2025, Far Eastern reported "some progress" in various areas. At one Far Eastern facility, the supplier reimbursed $1,000 each to 24 Vietnamese workers who had paid deposits. Far Eastern also agreed to reimburse workers for the cost of passport renewal during their employment. But Far Eastern had not agreed to the specifics of a fee reimbursement plan. The company told Transparentem, including by saying: "We appreciate your recognition of our collaboration with DIWA and AAFA/FLA and our brand partners to ensure compliance with labor, health and safety, and ethical standards through comprehensive audits and corrective actions...we operate in full compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and current industry standards and practices. Since January 1, 2020, we have also covered recruitment and monthly service fees under the Zero Recruitment Policy". Additional comments were sent to Transaprentem in January 2025, which can be read in the report. Adidas, Nike and Puma were recorded as leaders of a supplier working group created to fix the issues raised in the report. As a result of Transparentem’s investigation, more than 50 apparel brands signed a letter in September 2024 urging the government of Taiwan to implement specific regulatory and legal reforms to increase protections for migrant workers. In December 2024, many buyers participated in follow-up advocacy meetings and workshops in Taiwan organized by the AAFA and FLA.
Tipo de fuente: NGO
Fecha comunicada: 11 Feb 2025
Ubicación: Taiwán
Caroltex - Other Value Chain Entity , adidas - Reported buyer , Burton (part of Boohoo) - Reported buyer , Fanatics - Reported buyer , Gap - Reported buyer , Hanes (part of Hanesbrands) - Reported buyer , Helly Hansen - Reported buyer , Levi Strauss - Reported buyer , Lululemon Athletica - Reported buyer , Nike - Reported buyer , Patagonia - Reported buyer , PVH (Phillips-Van Heusen) - Reported buyer , Target - Reported buyer , Under Armour - Reported buyer , VF Corporation - Reported buyer , Yeti - Reported buyer , Neng Neng - Employer , Amer - Reported buyer , REI - Reported buyer , Canadian Tire - Reported buyer , Columbia Sportswear - Reported buyer , Fenix Group - Reported buyer , Jack Wolfskin - Reported buyer , LL Bean - Reported buyer , Ortovox - Reported buyer , Rapha Racing - Reported buyer , New Balance - Reported buyer , Sitka - Reported buyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 34
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - Ubicación desconocida , Manufactura: General , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )Temas
Robo de salarios , Horarios de trabajo y tiempo libre razonables , Movilidad restringida , Retención de pasaportes , Tasas de contratación , Discriminación/diversidad: General , Movilidad restringida , Servidumbre por deudas , Acceso a la información , Despido , Libertad de asociación , Acceso a recursos no judiciales , Condiciones de vida precarias/inadecuadasRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalist
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Asked in November 2024 to respond to Transparentem’s findings, one supplier did not reply, another declined to comment, and the remaining suppliers said they were working toward improvements at their facilities. Some suppliers later sent further feedback, including disputing some of Transparentem’s investigation findings. By January 2025, Neng Neng had begun work on its corrective action plan, but completed none except for handrail installation. It agreed to gather information about worker recruitment fees from former migrant workers hired after 2022 and from all current migrant workers, regardless of hire date. Caroltex responded to the NGO; its response can be read in the report. Amer and REI were recorded as leaders of a supplier working group created to fix the issues raised in the report. As a result of Transparentem’s investigation, more than 50 apparel brands signed a letter in September 2024 urging the government of Taiwan to implement specific regulatory and legal reforms to increase protections for migrant workers. In December 2024, many buyers participated in follow-up advocacy meetings and workshops in Taiwan organized by the AAFA and FLA.
Tipo de fuente: NGO
Fecha comunicada: 11 Feb 2025
Ubicación: Taiwán
Tung Hsin - Employer , Nike - Reported buyer , Patagonia - Reported buyer , Puma - Reported buyer , Under Armour - Reported buyer , Levi Strauss - Reported buyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 49
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - Ubicación desconocida , Manufactura: General , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )Temas
Movilidad restringida , Intimidación y Amenazas , Horarios de trabajo y tiempo libre razonables , Tasas de contratación , Denegación de salida , Servidumbre por deudas , Trabajo forzado y formas contemporáneas de esclavitud , Trata de personas , Discriminación/diversidad: General , Acceso a recursos no judicialesRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalist
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Asked in November 2024 to respond to Transparentem’s findings, one supplier did not reply, another declined to comment, and the remaining suppliers said they were working toward improvements at their facilities. Some suppliers later sent further feedback, including disputing some of Transparentem’s investigation findings. By January 2025, Tung Hsin was "furthest behind" in its reported corrective action plan, although its comments on its CAP indicated that it had begun work on most CAP actions and it committed to reimbursing current workers in 2025. Tung Hsin declined to comment to Transparentem, but referred Transparentem to information about corrective actions received from buyers. Its responses to the NGO in January are included in the report. Nike, Patagonia and Puma were recorded as leaders of a supplier working group created to fix the issues raised in the report. As a result of Transparentem’s investigation, more than 50 apparel brands signed a letter in September 2024 urging the government of Taiwan to implement specific regulatory and legal reforms to increase protections for migrant workers. In December 2024, many buyers participated in follow-up advocacy meetings and workshops in Taiwan organized by the AAFA and FLA.
Tipo de fuente: News outlet
Fecha comunicada: 11 Feb 2025
Ubicación: Taiwán
Lucky Unique - EmployerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: Número desconocido
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - Ubicación desconocida , Manufactura: General , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )Temas
Tasas de contrataciónRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalist
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Lucky Unique initially declined buyers’ request for an audit but later consented to a remediation process beginning with a third-party assessment. As of January 2025, all suppliers except Lucky Unique had corrective action plans in place. Lucky Unique did not initially respond to Transaprentem, and later said that the delay was due to the lack of a staff member in charge of social compliance
Tipo de fuente: News outlet
Problems Identified at Factories
- High recruitment fees, including monthly broker fees and contract-renewal fees
- Obstacles to quitting
- Intimidation and threats and discipline by fines
- Retention of identity documents
- Restriction of movement
- Excessive overtime
- Pay and leave problems
- Abusive living and working conditions
- Deception
- Discrimination against migrant workers
- Inadequate grievance mechanisms
- Restricted freedom of association
- Abuse of vulnerability
Key Impacts
- Development and partial implementation of corrective action plans to address issues uncovered at the investigated suppliers.
- Buyer statement of intention to reimburse recruitment fees for all currently employed migrant workers.
- A new AAFA/FLA initiative to improve conditions for migrant workers in Taiwan, involving more than 50 companies and their suppliers, and the Taiwan Textile Federation.
Investigated Suppliers
- De Licacy Industrial Co. Ltd.
- Everest Textile Co., Ltd.
- Far Eastern New Century
- Li Peng Enterprise Co. Ltd.
- LeaLea Enterprise Co. Ltd.
- Lovetex Industrial Corporation
- Lucky Unique Enterprise
- Neng Neng Industrial Co., Ltd.
- Tung Hsin Dyeing Enterprise Co., Ltd.