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1 Ene 2019

National Environmental Certification Service for Sustainable Investments lawsuit (re Glencore Antapaccay Tintaya Expansion, Peru)

Estatus: ONGOING

Fecha de presentación de la demanda judicial
1 Ene 2019
Exactitud de fecha
Año correcto
No aplicable
Pueblos indígenas, NGO, Defensor de los Derechos Humanos
Lugar de presentación: Perú
Lugar del incidente: Perú
Tipo de litigio: Nacional


Glencore Suiza Metales y acero, Minería, Petróleo, gas y carbón

Against other:



Snapshot: In March 2019, the Indigenous communities of Huini Coroccohuaycco and Pacopata of the Espinar Province filed a Constitutional writ (amparo) demanding that the Peruvian State initiate the process of free, prior and informed consent in accordance with international standards through the National Service of Environmental Certification for Sustainable Investments (SENACE) regarding the Glencore Antapaccay Tintaya Expansion. The community claims they are affected by the amendment to the mine's Environmental Impact Assessment (Modification of the Environmental Impact Study called "Glencore Antapaccay Tintaya Expansion – Coroccohuayco Integration") and denounce the lack of community participation. The case is supported by the Legal Defense Institute, Human Rights without Borders, and CooperAcción. The case is ongoing.