Good practice note on linking human rights & anti-corruption compliance endorsed by UN Global Compact Working Group
“Linking Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Compliance: A Good Practice Note endorsed by the United Nations Global Compact Human Rights and Labour Working Group”, 21 December 2016
…There is a growing understanding of the intrinsic relationship between corruption and human rights. Adverse human rights impacts and corruption pose similar risks to companies, including coinciding geographical risk zones and the danger of reputational and financial exposure. Effectively managing these risks presents companies with common challenges such as detecting misconduct in the business organization and supply chains…Recognizing the linkages between human rights and anti-corruption compliance can help companies meet their responsibility to respect human rights in a systematic and structured way, and ultimately embed respect for human rights in corporate culture…[G]ood practices include learning from anticorruption compliance programs in organizing a structured system for human rights impact management, leveraging senior management support for anti-corruption compliance, aligning human rights and anticorruption policy commitments…[and] combining corruption and human rights risk assessments…Efforts for linking human rights and anti-corruption compliance must be tailored to the individual company...