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27 Ene 2020

BBC News

Grenfell Tower fire: Second phase of inquiry begins

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The inquiry will shift focus from the night of the fire to issues including the refurbishment of the building and the block's deadly cladding.

It comes after Benita Mehra resigned over her links to the charitable arm of the firm which supplied the cladding.

The Cabinet Office has defended her appointment, though it has not said if or when she will be replaced...

Richard Millett QC, counsel to the inquiry, told the room that no company or organisation has accepted responsibility...

He added that the inquiry is about finding facts and making recommendations, and that determining accountability will follow...

[T]he Cabinet Office said: "There are robust processes in place to ensure the Grenfell Tower inquiry remains independent and that any potential conflicts of interest are properly considered and managed.

"As with any public appointment, due process has been followed in this case, and Benita Mehra's appointment was approved."

Engineer Ms Mehra was a past president of the Women's Engineering Society, which received funding from the Arconic Foundation. 

Arconic supplied the cladding on the outside of the west London tower block.

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