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8 Mar 2021

Human rights groups raise concerns over sponsorship deal between Real Madrid and Saudi Arabia; co. did not respond

The MENA Rights Group, a Geneva-based legal advocacy NGO and ALQST for Human Rights, a UK-based NGO, have raised concerns about the potential sponsorship deal between Real Madrid and Qiddiya Project which is chaired by crown prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The proposed deal will very likely support the Saudi Arabia’s strategy to establish relationships with sporting world to whitewash its poor human rights reputation around the world. Saudi Arabia has been criticized by many human rights NGOs and groups, including Amnesty and HRW, for its poor human rights record and for violating its citizens’ human rights. These human rights violations include among other things, torture of prisoners and detainees, arbitrary arrest and detention, restriction on freedom of expression and association, discrimination against women, violations of migrant workers’ rights. In addition, to several violations of international humanitarian law by the Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre contacted Real Madrid for a response these concerns, it did not respond.