In one of the most dangerous workplaces in West Virginia, a poultry giant has profited from immigrant labor for decades
Fecha comunicada: 6 Jul 2024
Ubicación: Estados Unidos
Packers Sanitation Service (PSSI) - Employer , QSI (part of Vincit) - Employer , Quintanilla Poultry - Employer , Pilgrim's (part of JBS) - EmployerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: Número desconocido
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - México , Mataderos y frigoríficos , Men , Undocumented migrants ) , Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - México , Mataderos y frigoríficos , Women , Unknown migration status ) , Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - Puerto Rico , Mataderos y frigoríficos , Men , Unknown migration status ) , Refugiados: ( Número desconocido - Eritrea , Mataderos y frigoríficos , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status ) , Refugiados: ( Número desconocido - Etiopía , Mataderos y frigoríficos , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status ) , Refugiados: ( Número desconocido - Birmania - Sector desconocido , Gender not reported , Unknown migration status )Temas
Salud y seguridad en el trabajo , Horarios de trabajo y tiempo libre razonables , Golpizas y violencia , Intimidación y Amenazas , Discriminación por origen racial/ étnico/ de casta , Acceso a la información , Detenciones arbitrarias , Acceso a medicinas , Seguridad social , Acceso a recursos no judicialesRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalist
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Both local and corporate officials for Pilgrim’s Pride, an arm of the largest poultry producer in the world, did not answer calls and voicemails asking for interviews. They didn’t answer a letter with over a dozen questions related to this story. Pilgrim’s corporate office says it’s accountable for the well-being of contract company employees. In its corporate sustainability strategy, the company wrote that “we take our responsibility for their health and safety seriously.” In emailed statements, spokespeople for PSSI and QSI said they are committed to only hiring people who are authorized to work in the U.S. “QSI protects the American dream by providing career opportunities to those who are often overlooked, who need second chances, or who just need an opportunity to show their value,” wrote Gene Boulware, the company’s director for corporate and community relations. PSSI said employees spend their first three weeks in training about potential hazards, safety protocols and how to handle chemicals. Juan Quintanilla, the owner of Quintanilla Poultry, said in March that he was in the process of shutting down his company and declined to answer further questions.
Tipo de fuente: News outlet
…Marco had seen plenty of similar injuries take place inside Pilgrim’s Moorefield factory, built along a fork of the Potomac River’s South Branch. He knew what could happen inside the plant.
Over the past 30 years, he and thousands of others who’ve left their homelands have come to Moorefield to work at West Virginia’s only industrial poultry plant. Often fleeing poverty or violence, many have immigrated from other countries, and others have come from U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico.
Seeking safety and a better life, they’ve often faced unsafe working conditions.
Throughout the last decade, Pilgrim’s Moorefield plant has been one of the most dangerous non-coal industrial workplaces in West Virginia…
And in a state in which 91% of residents are white, a disproportionate amount of the danger is shouldered by the plant’s large immigrant workforce, a Mountain State Spotlight investigation found…
This time, Hector said he and others who lacked this legal authorization were pushed toward two independent companies that contracted with the plant: Quality, Service, Integrity and Packers Sanitation Services Incorporated…
In emailed statements, spokespeople for PSSI and QSI said they are committed to only hiring people who are authorized to work in the U.S. ..
... The plant turned to Quintanilla Poultry, a South Carolina-based company that hired dozens of Hardy County undocumented workers to keep the production process running...
... the owner of Quintanilla Poultry, said in March that he was in the process of shutting down his company and declined to answer further questions...