Indonesia: Nickel mining levels forests without FPIC; locals experience adverse health, environmental & economic impacts

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A report by Mighty Earth finds that 25 of 239 nickel concessions in Indonesia have the highest deforestation rate. The report also investigates how nickel mining operations have resulted to adverse environmental and human rights impacts in Sulawesi. Specifically in the small island of Kabaena, the report finds that nickel mining companies have illegally cleared forests and did not seek free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) of local communities, many of whom are Bajau seafarers. The communities experienced health and economic impacts brought about by the polluted waters from the mines.
The Resource Centre invited the companies cited in the report to respond to the allegations. The following companies responded: BMW, Daimler and Mercedes-Benz, Posco, PT Vale Indonesia, Volkswagen and Audi, and Zhejiang Huayou Colbalt Ltd. Their responses are linked below.
The following companies did not respond: Adhi Kartiko Pratama, Aneka Tambang (Antam), Bintang Delapan, Bintang Delapan Mineral, Bukit Makmur Istindo Nikeltama, Ceria Nugraha Indotama, Chentung Mining Group, China Molybdenum, Contemporary Amperex Technology (CATL), Dongfeng, Ecopro, Ford, GEM, GM, Halmahera Sukses Mineral, Honda, Hyundai, Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP), Jaguar, KIA, LG Energy, Solutions, Lucid, Mulia Makmur Perkasa, PT Halmahera Persada Lygend, PT Virtue Dragon Indonesia, PT Youshan Nickel Indonesia, Riota Jaya Lestari, Sambaki Tambang Sentosa, Samsung, SGMW, Shanghai Decent, Sulawesi Cahaya Mineral, Sulawesi Mining Investment, Tesla, Timah, Timah Investasi Mineral, Tonia Mitra Sejahtera, Toyota, Tsingshan, Volvo Car, Weda Bay Nickel, Weltmeister, Xiamen Kinglong, Zhejiang CRRC, and Zhejiang Lygend.
Invitations to respond were not sent to the following companies due to lack of contacts: Anugerah Bumi Gemilang, Anugrah Harisma Barakah, Bahodopi Utara Block, Cahaya Ginda Ganda, Gemilang Bangun Perkasa, Gemilang Mandiri Perkasa, Green Source Intl. Ltd., Hanwa, Harita, Lawaki Tiar Raya, Long Sincere, Mulia Pacific Resources, Multi Dinar Karya, Pertambangan Bumi, PT Fajar Metal Industry, PT Huayue Nickel & Cobalt, PT QMB New Energy Materials, PT Teluk Metal Industry, Reed International, Tambang Bumi Sulawesi, Toshida Indonesia, Trias Jaya Agung, and Wana Kencana Mineral.