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10 Jun 2023

Jovan Johnson and Barbara Gayle, The Gleaner

Jamaica: Noranda can resume bauxite mining in St Ann, Court of Appeal rules

"Gov’t ‘relieved’ at Noranda decision," 10 June 2023

...bauxite company Noranda Jamaica Partners II has got the green light from the Court of Appeal to continue mining operations in sections of St Ann.

The Court of Appeal set aside the injunctions granted in the Supreme Court... which had barred Noranda and its managing partner, New Day Aluminum (Jamaica) Limited, from conducting any mining activity under the 25-year Special Mining Lease...

The companies and the Government argued that the balance of convenience did not favour the grant of the injunction...

The companies also argued that the communities would be adversely affected because welfare-related activities would be halted. They said there would be a substantial loss of jobs and contracts to third parties, including residents...

The residents are contending that the bauxite mining activities have breached or are likely to breach their fundamental right to life; right to enjoy a healthy and productive environment free from the threat of injury or damage from environmental abuse....