"Killer Coke" Or Innocent Abroad? [Colombia]
The union [Colombian food-industry workers union SINALTRAINAL] alleges that Coke and its local bottler were complicit in these acts [killing & kidnapping of trade unionists]...Coke officials say only one of the eight workers was killed on the premises of the Coke bottling plant owned by Bebidas y Alimentos de Urabá. Also, they say, the other deaths -- which all occurred off-premises -- were byproducts of Colombia's four-decade-long civil war...What's more, an important global coalition of labor unions has refused to support [the]...anti-Coke crusade..."We have no evidence of complicity by Coke in the killing of workers," says Ron Oswald, general secretary of the International Union of Foodworkers in Geneva...[also refers to Nike]