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18 Ago 2020

Kuwait: Al Raqeeb Co. reportedly withholding wages & passports from stranded workers; co. did not respond

In August 2020, The News Minute reported that a group of 88 Asian construction workers, among them 37 Indian workers, have been stranded in Kuwait for months awaiting five months' worth of wages. They worked throughout the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Kuwait but have allegedly not received their wages. They state that they tried to engage with the company several times, finally protesting outside the Kuwaiti Ministry of Manpower. The workers also allege that occasions the company disconnected electricity and water, with police reconnecting the electricity. They are dependent on charitable food aid and have reportedly received verbal threats from their employer.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Al-Raqeeb to respond to the allegations in the article; they did not respond.

As of September 2020, the Resource Centre understands that the Indian workers had returned home, although without their owed dues.