Letter to Calian Group regarding its ongoing business activities in Russia
...We seek to understand how Calian has conducted and continues to conduct heightened HRDD and how the findings of such a process has resulted in these continued business activities and relationships. As noted by the UNGPs: …the more severe the abuse, the more quickly the enterprise will need to see change before it takes a decision on whether it should end the relationship. In any case, for as long as the abuse continues and the enterprise remains in the relationship, it should be able to demonstrate its own ongoing efforts to mitigate the impact and be prepared to accept any consequences – reputational, financial or legal – of the continuing connection.
In consideration of the above points and B4Ukraine’s Declaration, we request an urgent dialogue with Calian’s relevant senior management and staff to discuss the company’s ongoing activities and relationships in Russia, associated risks to the people of Ukraine and the company, and potential steps to prevent/mitigate these risks...