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Respuesta de la empresa

3 Abr 2024

Lidl Germany's response re banana supply chain living wages

Lidl is committed to comply with our human rights due diligence obligations along our supply chains and thus also to ensure labor standards and safe working conditions as well as fair pay.


An in-depth risk analysis for bananas in Colombia, a so-called Human Right Impact Assessment (HRIA), was performed by Lidl together with an independent third party “Ergon” in 2021 (Human Rights Impact Assessment (lidl.de)).

Within this HRIA Lidl identified the issue of underpayment in the banana sector as a significant risk ... See action plan here:Übersetzung 10304 (lidl.de).


It was a major concern for Lidl to advance the topic systematically and quickly as part of the HRIA and derived action plan. In this particular case, the decision was made to show that the step towards a living wage is also possible more quickly and with more ambitious targets than previously assumed.

At the same time, Lidl recognizes that many of the identified risks cannot be addressed by Lidl alone and understands that collaboration within the sector will be crucial to address systemic challenges and is again in exchange with INA concerning further Living Wage and Living Income working groups e.g. on coffee.


Full response included below

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