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Respuesta de la empresa

12 Sep 2024

Matalan's response to allegations of abuses in Myanmar garment factories - October 2024 Update

In light of allegations made and overall risks in Myanmar, KSeng (Myanmar) Apparel received a rapid, unannounced audit from technical experts of the MADE project office in August, 2024. The audit revealed several concerns, but the company gave full cooperation, access and transparency to the assessors.

KSeng is scheduled to begin the full SMART Factories Programme on social compliance starting in late October, 2024. Next week (Sept. 16th and 17th), members of their HR team are already enrolled to participate in one of the many workshops offered by the MADE project to improve social compliance policies and their effective implementation in the

workplace. Their enrolment in training before starting the full SMART Factories Programme is a recognition that aspects of the HR management policies and procedures can and ought to be improved.


[The full response is attached]

Parte de las siguientes historias

Myanmar: Garment workers reportedly forced to work overnight & face unsanitary conditions; incl. co. responses

Myanmar: Garment workers denied toilet breaks & water to meet excessive production targets; incl. co. responses