Mexican Communities On Guard Against Thirst for Oil
…The gas leak, which Pemex only managed to get under control on Dec. 21, caused irreversible damage, said Hugo Ireta, an activist with the Santo Tomás Ecological Association…The reform of…the constitution, approved by Congress in December, paved the way for private national and foreign investment in the oil industry…The Association and local populations affected in Tabasco will file legal charges against Pemex for damage to property in 2014. An analysis of samples taken in May, August and September for the future lawsuit found lead, cadmium and aluminium in the water at the Chilapa drinking water plant, which operates in the Tabasco municipality of Centla and serves 21 communities. Residents of the villages of Cunduacán and Huimanguillo brought a collective lawsuit against Pemex in June…[The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Pemex to respond; the company did not respond]