Myanmar: Garment worker dismissed for taking sick leave after fainting in factory
Fecha comunicada: 27 Ene 2023
Ubicación: Birmania
Marks & Spencer - Buyer , Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) - Buyer , Kingsrich (Myanmar) Fashion - SupplierAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 1
Trabajadores: ( 1 - Ubicación desconocida , Ropa y Textiles , Gender not reported )Temas
Despido , Salud personal , Salud y seguridad en el trabajoRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por BHRRC
Historia que contiene respuesta: (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Kingsrich (Myanmar) Fashion allegedly supplies to H&M and Marks & Spencer; H&M and Marks & Spencer provided responses to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
Tipo de fuente: Social Media
Yangon Region Shwe Pytha Township Industrial Zone (2) Kingrich Garment Factory on Thanchewan U Nyunt Road, a worker was fired because [s]he was sick and absent from work.
The female worker fainted while working in the factory.
There was not enough medicine in the factory dispensary, and they were not transported to the hospital for treatment. According to the law, the factory, which employs more than a thousand workers, is supposed to have a dispensary with all medical supplies and a doctor, but there was only one nurse and there was not enough medicine.
So I called the family and sent them home. After taking 3 days of medical leave from welfare, [s]he fainted again when [s]he returned to work…
Because of that, [the worker] had to take medical leave again, and because [they were] not healthy enough to work…[her] family went to the factory and asked for unpaid leave, but [they said] if [they] gave it to one person, [they] would have to give it to the other people, and [the worker] was dismissed without leave. Among the various leave that workers are entitled to, unpaid leave is also included. If the factory does not grant the request for unpaid leave due to health conditions, it is a violation of workers' rights. The kingrich garment factory is sewing famous brand clothes such as H&M, M&S, but the [employers] are violating labor rights and labor laws.
[Translation via Google Translate]