Myanmar: Garment workers dismissed without full compensation incl. pregnant & elderly workers
Fecha comunicada: 5 Nov 2022
Ubicación: Birmania
New Handsome Industry - Supplier , CMP Sport - Reported buyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 2
Trabajadores: ( Número desconocido - Ubicación desconocida , Ropa y Textiles , Gender not reported )Temas
Robo de salarios , DespidoRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por BHRRC
Historia que contiene respuesta: (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: New Handsome Industry supplies to CMP Sport; CMP Sport provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre, stating it does not source from the factory.
Tipo de fuente: News outlet
Fecha comunicada: 5 Nov 2022
Ubicación: Birmania
New Handsome Industry - Supplier , CMP Sport - Reported buyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: Número desconocido
Trabajadores: ( Número desconocido - Ubicación desconocida , Ropa y Textiles , Gender not reported )Temas
Robo de salariosRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por BHRRC
Historia que contiene respuesta: (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: New Handsome Industry supplies to CMP Sport; CMP Sport provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre, stating it does not source from the factory.
Tipo de fuente: News outlet
"NEW HAND SOME INDUSTRY CO.LTD fired 2 workers. The rest of the workers were threatened and forced to sign", 5 November 2022
[In] Hlaing Tharay Township, Shwe Lim Van Industrial Zone, [i]t is reported that 2 veteran the garment factory belonging to NEW HAND SOME INDUSTRY CO.LTD on Makkhara Princegyi Road were dismissed from their jobs.
NEW HAND SOME INDUSTRY said to be sewing [clothes for the] CMP brand.
The factory workers said that on October 25, the manager of the factory met all the workers at the final factory and told them that the workers would be fired.
"The workers negotiate[d] with the employer. If there is no order, the factory can be closed. He said to pay full compensation. "The 2 workers asked the trademark brand for help, and on November 2, they were fired without full compensation," factory workers told FWGM...
"Since last month, the workers have been told various things that they will be fired and the factory will be closed. The workers are worried. Currently, the factory is closed. They are worried because they don't know if the employer will run away without paying compensation, leave the workers as they are, and open a factory elsewhere. These workers include pregnant women and the elderly." The workers said...
[Translation via Google Translate]