Myanmar: Garment workers face wage cuts if they take one day of leave
Fecha comunicada: 24 Feb 2024
Ubicación: Birmania
LC Waikiki - Former buyer , Auchan - Reported buyer , Tom Tailor - Former buyer , Kapalua - Buyer , Lat War Garment - Supplier , Mavi - Reported buyer , Regatta - Reported buyerAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 800
Trabajadores: ( 800 - Ubicación desconocida , Ropa y Textiles , Gender not reported )Temas
Denegación de contratos fijos , Robo de salarios , Acoso (no sexual) , Discriminación por género , Objetivos de producción excesivosRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por BHRRC
Historia que contiene respuesta: (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: Lat War Garment allegedly supplies to or has supplied to Regatta, LC Waikiki, Tom Tailor, Auchan, Mavi and Kapaula; LC Waikiki, Regatta, Mavi and Auchan provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. Auchan and Regatta stated they do not source from the factory. Lapaula did not respond. LC Waikiki previously informed us it had last sourced from the factory in early 2023. Tom Tailor previously informed us that its final orders in Myanmar were completed in 2022.
Tipo de fuente: News outlet
"LAT WAR GARMENT (2) CO,LTD factory casual leave one day in advance, If the date is missed, the wages will be cut for up to 3 days", 24 February 2024
"Because [I had an] emergency, I called the factory to take a day off. [They] deduct[ed] money from salary without permission...A worker at the LAT WAR GARMENT factory said.
LAT WAR GARMENT (2) Factory in Yangon, Hlaing Tharay Township...employs (800) workers...
The workers also said that many young day laborers were forced to work at 3,600 for 8 hours. Even though the day laborers have been working for 3 months, some of the workers have been fired because they have not been appointed. If [they] ask for a [target] that the workers can't sew and [workers can't meet] it...the workers said that the super[visors] used abusive language.
"...To complete the [target], I had to work for free until 8:00 p.m. With the news of porter pulling, I'm worried when I go home later," said workers of the LAT WAR GARMENT (2) factory.
He also said that the drinking water and toilets used by the workers in the workplace are also not clean.
[Translation via Google Translate]