Myanmar: Garment workers report cut in pay following daily wage increase
Fecha comunicada: 19 Jun 2023
Ubicación: Birmania
S.M Myanmar Garment - SupplierAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 200
Trabajadores: ( 200 - Ubicación desconocida , Ropa y Textiles , Gender not reported )Temas
Denegación de salida , Robo de salarios , Objetivos de producción excesivos , Salud y seguridad en el trabajo , Acoso (no sexual) , Discriminación por género , Complicidad entre empresas y militaresRespuesta
Response sought: No
Tipo de fuente: News outlet
"At S-M MYANMAR Garment Factory, workers are suffering due to salary increase and professional fee cut", 19 June 2023
Workers of S-M MYANMAR Garment CO,LTD garment factory opened in Hlaingtharya Township Shwe Samlwin Industrial Zone 4 said that the workers have recently [had an increase in the] daily wage...[but the] employer has reduced the professional fees set before the daily wage increase...
It is owned by a Chinese citizen and has around 200 workers...
... [workers are] not being allowed to enjoy social security medical benefits; In addition to not providing such benefits, if workers miss a day's work, they will be fined...
"Sometimes the workers say that they don't want to miss work because they are sick...they pressure me to take leave and quit," said the worker, who did not want to be named.
Arbitrary requests for [targets] that workers cannot meet in the workplace; Super in a machine line... These...fabrics are difficult to sew. Due to the lack of sewing workers, they do not go to the toilet. [Workers are] [d]esperately sewing...without drinking water; In doing so, the employer said that the workers who could not [meet the target were [told] "don't come to work" and pressured them.
"The workers who cannot meet the [targets] are insulted and shouted at by the Super[visors] every day...
He said that there is no organized labor union in the workplace.
Employees should not discriminate in providing the benefits they are entitled to. To return the reduced gratuity by the employer as before; [Supervisors should] not...swear at workers....The workers said that they want [Supervisors] to request [targets] that the workers can [meet].
[Translation via Google Translate]